The Ultimate Guide to Loving Your Body

Keanu Taylor
3 min readSep 4, 2021
The Ultimate Guide to Loving Your Body

Body positivity and self-love might seem like trendy terms, but they play a crucial role in our sense of self-worth and well-being.

Too many people today hate how they look and actively look for ways to change that through extreme diets, tons of cardio, living at the gym, and, sometimes, even steroid use.

And the fact is, learning to love ourselves is challenging, but we need to work toward it. With that in mind, here are four actionable ways to do that:

1. Understand One Liberating Truth

We are our worst critics. Regardless of how you see yourself and what flaws you notice, you are probably too hard on yourself. This isn’t to say that staying objective is bad, or we should stop monitoring ourselves. No, these traits are essential for improving our behaviors and choices.

The problem is, most people end up obsessing over minor imperfections about themselves and allow such to cripple them.

2. Detach Yourself From The Idea of Looking a Certain Way

We are constantly fed with the image of how we should look. Men should be lean, muscular, bearded, and with a few tattoos. Women should be skinny, toned, with a trim waist, and no love handles.

Anything outside this ‘ideal’ look appears terrible, and people feel bad for not fitting the mold. But ask yourself this:

Do you genuinely believe looking a certain way will make you happier? If so — why? What makes you think that having abs or ‘toned shoulders’ will bring deep, internal happiness?

The truth is, these things rarely contribute to our sense of well-being. Just look at the many great-looking actors, signers, and models with drinking problems and drug addictions.

True love and satisfaction come from within. Instead of trying to live up to society’s standards, accept yourself for who you are.

3. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Social media can be a fantastic way to connect with others, make new friends, and keep in touch with family and acquaintances. The problem is, many people have gotten into the habit of following, praising, and comparing themselves to fitness models and ‘influencers.’

This is wrong for a few big reasons:

First, what you see on social media are highlights. In most cases, these people don’t look like that all the time. Second, photos are typically taken from endless angles and touched up with programs to make the person look their best. And third, steroid use is widespread today, and even if a person does look great, you can’t be sure how they’ve achieved the look.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to stop comparing yourself to such people. Instead, follow accounts that motivate, inspire, and educate you.

4. Do Positive Things For Yourself

Make it a habit to follow through with positive things. The most notable examples here are:

- Exercise — even if it’s just for a few minutes per day

- Nutrition — focus on consuming whole and nutritious foods

- Meditation — sit down for a few minutes, clear your mind and be in the moment

- Knowledge — make it a point to read and learn new things every day

Beyond that, other simple things you should do include taking some time for yourself each day, having a refreshing shower, and fixing up your hair.

Make it a point to do good things for your body and mind. Over time, you will begin to correlate it with positive feelings, which will make you love and appreciate it much more.


